Lockdown is the Elite Panicking at Loss of Control

Event Covid represents hysterical panic by the banker-led technocracy. It is a panicked response to the buckling and tottering of their failing international institutions. They have bankrupted Europe, America and Japan and have lost ability to control economies.

Corporations no longer pay taxes. In the U.S. they account for 5% of Federal tax receipts. Global corporations decided they no longer need nation states, except when they smell subsidies or a bailout. That's left governments looting what remains of the middle class and having to magick up fake currency for their day-to-day operations.

The endless wars have allowed corporations to grab resources while subverting the international order and building a lawless world in which money and mercenaries talk loudest. The same people who call for the International Institutions of World Government are the same people who have destroyed government after government: Not just Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria but they've cannibalized their own United States, European Union and Japan.

Amid this rubble, organized crime is flourishing. Not the uneducated hoodlum arm twisting a contract from local government. The elite-schooled, entitled, networked organized criminal whose family and associates include lawyers, bankers, politicians and tech or defense contractors - but who is every bit as committed to the idea of The Family. These people don't kill, blackmail or sit around in political meetings - they pay people to do that for them.

Central bank organized crime is having a problem collecting on the debt. Tax is no longer the money-spinner it once was. The monetary system is imploding. The bankers have to resort to periodically pumping and dumping the economy in order to grab assets from government and people. That system is the root of their control.

What happens when a system based on convention and social contract collapses? For the bankers to maintain their privileged position, they must seek direct control - the right to issue digital money but more important (since money is already largely digital) the right to track that money at every stage of its journey and snip off a few percent each time it changes hands. Even better, to direct most of that money into the more productive slaves via a system of social credit scoring.

Event Covid is the result: lockdown, under the excuse of infection and the need for mass injection, the marking and numbering of all the people so that the banking beast can track them.

Trouble is the system's not ready. The Artificial Intelligence is not ready. The police and military are still human. Their hastily-imposed medical martial law is creaking and unevenly applied. The public isn't fully buying the need for lockdown or vaccine.

The first victims are those countries targeted by organized crime for their weak institutions and easy manipulation. That's the developing countries. Even in countries like India, however, the bankers, the international agencies and their corporate front men have struggled to implement their socio-monetary control, except in a totalitarian system like China.

In the West the public has the Internet. It's a race against time to repress the people before they get wise to the game. Hence sudden and very obvious extension of censorship.

The Corporatist Media gives it away. If the public was compliant and brainwashed, the Media would be able to maintain the polite myth of a diverse conversation.The fact that CNN screams like a shrill teenager with his crotch caught on a barbed wire fence - is because that's what's happened. The desperation is telling.

These wannabe global leaders are inadequate. Politicians are predictably pathetic. It's the pretensions of technocrats that alarm. They seem to believe they can build their Technocracy on the fly, if only they get us all clamped down and pliant. If there are competent leaders among the Technocrats and the Bankers I cannot see them. Central bankers from around the world met at Jackson Hole and proposed "Going Direct" in August 2019. There have been few pronouncements since. Will they stand up and, if not, why not?

Even on an institutional level the corrupt EU and UN, flail about, apparently taking their orders from the Rockefeller Foundation's Lockstep document (2010) and the World Economic Forum's fancy PowerPoint presentation of a Global Reset.

Government by PowerPoint. You never knew Bill Gates had a plan for you.

"It all depends whether you people want to save your freedom as much as these people want to enslave you. Everything these people have planned for 60 years could come unglued almost overnight if a significant percentage of the people understood what the con game is all about. We can destroy these conspirators before they destroy us. We can do it if we move fast enough and hard enough." -- Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy.


Anonymous said…
Love your penetrating comments and analysis btl on Off Guardian and very pleased to know you have your own blog, which I will be visiting regularly.

Keep the good work!
Anonymous said…
If one was on the inside of the ruling elite I'm sure it would appear anything but a monolithic super banker state. First would be the uncertainty if you were really inside or merely rich. You would need to came from an old family and within that you would be under control. You would be afraid the Mamluks had taken control. They may have. Competition would be rife at personal and all kinds of institutional and money and influence levels. In short there must be a social system of some sort.

Really enjoy your posts and keep checking your blog,

Anonymous said…
Gosh, this was an excellent article, MoneyCircus, and (as the first commenter also said) I always enjoy your comments btl on OffG. The world is so fortunate to have those who expend effort, brainpower and courage to inform...
All the very best to you.
