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View of the Teton Range from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, by G. Thomas, CC. |
Credit is due to Catherine Austin Fitts, Richard Werner and others who tracked the activity of central bankers specifically in 2018-19 leading up to the declaration of the pandemic. This is a summary of CAF's chat with Greg Hunter on June 20th, 2020 and, rather than rewrite it, I will leave it in their own eloquent words.
Why only one type of protest is tolerated: Between them the intel agencies and the military, the Department of Justice and the Federal Reserve have every inch of America under surveillance. Nothing happens in any of the 3,100 counties of the USA, for very long, without interruption, if they don’t want it.
If there are protests in 33 cities where the Federal Reserve has banks or branches, it is clear they wanted that to happen. This is a reality TV show with Raz, the ‘warlord’ of Seattle, right out of Hollywood central casting. If the leaders, at the very least, of the protest were not paid they would not have turned out simultaneously. Or they would have been driven off the streets.
Messaging: the media is tightly controlled and does not keep repeating a message if the intel organs and the military oppose it. Who is directing the protests and the coordinated messaging, such as defund the police? Who pushed the howls of outrage at historical slavery – while we are ignoring modern slavery on an unprecedented scale. That is what digital tattoos and microchips mean, along with the replacement of cash with digital vouchers. As a result of crashing prices, developing countries are being recolonized right now as private equity vultures buy up land and assets at low prices. Note that during this deliberate economic shutdown, Europe and the U.S. can print their own money but Emerging Markets cannot, and are going bankrupt.
Teams on the streets: you had kids who had cabin fever from lockdown; you had sappers, or combat engineers, who placed piles of bricks and Molotov cocktails and broke the windows like the Minneapolis ‘umbrella man’ who was identified in May; then Antifa moved in, and then professional mercenaries provided operational security and possibly some professional muscle where the narrative required heroes and victims. See the UK ‘BLM hero’ Patrick Hutchinson.
You cannot send in that many teams to burn and loot and wreck on a paid basis — those are paid jobs — unless the military stands down or is part of it.
Two clues: the Corporatist Media lambasted Trump for deploying the military on the streets. It also parried claims that George Soros is financing the protestors. What we’ve learned is when the Media says ‘look back’ we should look forward. The media raised, and discounted, the prospect of military on the streets… so we should keep the military in view. And though Soros is part of the funding, we should keep other funders in view, such as the Federal Reserve. Thus it may be that the central banks are funding the protests through the military budget.
Trigger warning: You were taught the U.S. is the freest country on Earth but it is also one of the most controlled. This may cause cognitive dissonance. Corporations used the Pinkertons to infiltrate, provoke and neutralize the unions, and they became the FBI, in effect the internal political police. Corporations also took over unions through organized crime, showing that it remains a key part of the system of control, with organized crime closely integrated with the intelligence agencies as well as with international business. The Wall St lawyers and bankers formed the OSS/CIA as their muscle overseas, infiltrated the media to censor news of those activities, while funding neuropsychological research into mind control/perception management on an individual and mass scale.
Do you not think the NSA is monitoring every Antifa message, the Treasury tracking every payment? The same point was made by investor/philanthropist Charles Ortel: that when he was working on financial deals, he had to assume the DoJ, SEC, NSA knew everyone he was talking to. Without such abilities, incidentally, the Contact Tracing scheme would not work.
Funding the protests: The military’s annual $780 billion budget and undocumented adjustments of $1 trillion are financed covertly through FASAB 56. The military don’t want to anger either side and instead would pass the job to contractors, who in turn would provide the command and control for violent street protests in 50 cities. Those contractors would require handsome pay. That leads back to the missing $21 trillion of undocumented budget adjustments, identified by Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr Mark Skidmore, which would easily finance such an operation. https://missingmoney.solari.com/
How this all began: COVID-19 is a currency war. The central banks put everyone in a debt trap. The central banks in the U.S. and Europe are printing money and giving it to their partners like Goldman Sachs, Blackstone and KKR to buy assets.
The Central Banks are behind the protests, directly or indirectly. This is the timeline:
Oct 2018 – While CNN were jumping and shrieking like caged animals about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the U.S. government was very busy with something else: it passed FASAB-56 allowing any and all government financial accounts to become secret.
Aug 2019 – Central bankers from around the world met at Jackson Hole and proposed “Going Direct”, while Bank of England governor Mark Carney said the world needed a global mechanism to replace the dollar.
The banks had circled their wagons, they were ready to reset the monetary system.
Sep 2019 – the Federal Reserve intervened to flood the repo market (global cash market) with cash (liquidity M1 up 21%, M2 up 31%).
World Economic Forum published The Great Reset , “the marketing document for the non financial people of exactly what’s going on,” says Catherine Austin Fitts.
Jan-Feb 2020 – the smart money exits the market. Medical martial law is used to shut down small business and farms throwing them into debt entrapment from which they cannot escape. Emerging Markets are dependent on foreign currency (as a peg or shadow currency) so they cannot print money. They are going bankrupt and will be recolonized. This has the potential to expand slavery on an individual and intercontinental level.
Where this is leading: A digital payments system is being proposed, linked to a chip in every individual or digital tattoo. This would allow the abolition of cash and its replacement with vouchers and rationing based on energy use – in line with the climate lobby’s longstanding proposals. The same chip would allow the collectivist management of every aspect of individual lives. George Orwell called this The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism.
Main street is being collapsed. Oligarchs and monopolies are seizing an ever larger share of the consumer market. Fully 85% of independent restaurants in the U.S. are expected to shut permanently in 2020. As of June, more than 100,000 small businesses have been destroyed in NYC. Huge layoffs are expected as state and local governments deficit nears $1 trillion by 2021.
Meanwhile private equity vultures are buying up billions of dollars of assets. Just search news on “FT KKR”. The biggest industries in the world after oil and gas, are narcotics (legal and illicit) and weapons. Although the lockdown has limited opportunities to launder cash, organized crime will continue to operate illegal gambling, run guns and traffic drugs. That is all networked and every dime is known, every wire dispatched goes to the New York Federal Reserve.
Local and state government may be abolished or severely degraded. Hence the calls to defund the police, which the Corporatist Media is loudly trumpeting as a ‘grassroots’ demand. If you chip everyone and run their Universal Basic Income (UBI) through a cloud network, do you really need state and local government? In lands conquered by NATO, oil and gas companies routinely provide their own security. So does the Federal Reserve. So does Donald Trump like many oligarchs. If you defund the police the most powerful network in the neighborhood will be organized crime networks and they’re going to be well armed.
With metal nanoparticles in every vaccine, 5G could provide a lower frequency version of Israel’s 95 gigahertz Active Denial System, a crowd control weapon. 5G is also ‘mind control’ to the extent people are glued to their smartphones. So 5G represents a combined mind+crowd control solution. Massive bandwidth is needed for digital currency systems to replace cash, to track people, for driverless cars and robotic technology that has little to do with mobile phones.
The contractors who launched the presentation for Contact Tracing and are promoting it at federal level (it’s currently at state level) include the same people who were exploiting minors with Jeff Epstein’s Lolita Express airline: just search for Bill Clinton and Contact Tracing. The military contractors are getting contracts from social services, including one contractor that was sued for child trafficking in Eastern Europe which was collecting child support.
With the defense contractors running social services and Contact Tracing you effectively have a Stasi network and they will have the police powers under Contract Tracing to come after your kids.
The injection, as you can see, is only the cover story for all of this.
What we can do: Corporatism was not defeated in WWII and instead has been growing. We’ve been sitting in the middle of the road. Now we have a choice. We don’t have to accept slavery. Safe medicine requires that Big Pharma has legal liability for what it injects in people. Support your sheriff, your locally-accountable police. Network with farmers. Source fresh, healthy food.
All credit to Catherine Austin Fitts. The insights are hers expressed on Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog – Catherine Austin Fitts – We are Watching the Mother of All Debt Entrapments, June 20th, 2020.