On the Brink of a New Authoritarianism, 2021

The vaulting ambition of big tech is likely to trigger a new leap in authoritarianism as it embeds itself within a reinvigorated neoliberal administration headed for the White House.

Glenn Greenwald, Dec 28, 2020: The Threat of Authoritarianism In The U.S. Is Very Real -- And Has Nothing To Do With Trump

In this trenchant analysis Greenwald shows how big tech has profited massively from Event Covid, while one in five small businesses has closed according to AP. Those who grab the spoils, he says, are not "the Randian victors of free market capitalism" but military and tech giants dependent on massive government contracts and subsidies which they extract through the arm-twisting of lobbyists and the bought and paid subservience of politicians.

This should anger capitalists more than socialists, says Greenwald. Unwilling, perhaps, to offend his liberal following, he stops short of noting that the left has been largely complicit by its silence. Socialist organizations have looked the other way as lockdown after lockdown has chipped away at fundamental rights. It is hard to escape the conclusion that much of the left likes what it thinks it sees in The Great Reset. After all, state corporatism benefits giants like Walmart, Amazon, Google and Facebook and turns them into state enterprises in function if not in ownership. So long as the left and the titans share the same dominant ideology, perhaps they can overlook private profit for now, in the interest of building a technocratic society.

These companies "overwhelmingly supported the Democratic Party candidate about to assume the presidency. Predictably, they are being rewarded with numerous key positions in his transition team and the same will ultimately be true of the new administration," writes Greenwald.

"The Biden/Harris administration clearly intends to do a great deal for Silicon Valley, and Silicon Valley is well-positioned to do a great deal for them in return, starting with their immense power over the flow of information and debate."

The dominant strain of U.S. neoliberalism is authoritarianism and it's back in the driving seat. It poses as the champion of radical humanitarianism while turning millions of people into temporary workers juggling multiple jobs. These progressive titans of big tech use artificial intelligence and algorithms to chip away at hourly wages. They earn billions from gig workers who have no union rights, no benefits, no stock options and no pension. 

And now they propose to use the population as livestock for mass experimentation with only a fig leaf of consent. You won’t be forced to take an injectable. You just won’t be admitted back into society without one.

This oligarchy synthesizes politics and profit. Those who oppose its pursuit of ever-greater wealth and control of the government system become its political enemies. If you doubt that big tech has the political clout and the desire for vengeance, stop here and just read the quotes from Greenwald on this page.

The root of this vengeful desire needs further research. Suffice for now to note that big tech has demonstrated its willingness to cancel, silence and suppress, with open political partiality, those who express differing opinions.  Whether this has its base in emotion, insecurity or greed is moot: big tech is in practice an exemplar of the idea that we do things not because they are right but because we can. Invention is not the child of necessity. Rather invention has the potential to be the whore of unbridled tyranny. As former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said:

“There is what I call the creepy line. The Google policy on a lot of things is to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it.”

Whatever your view of Donald Trump's presidency, it has exposed not only the reality of the Deep State but also how it functions. It is clear that Trump has been isolated by the bureaucracy, even within the White House itself. Outside, the Department of Justice and the FBI openly mocked and defied him. 

It turns out the FBI has possessed Democratic Party volunteer Seth Rich's laptop since his murder just before the 2016 election. Thus the FBI knew that the leaking of emails from the Democratic National Committee was an inside job and had nothing to do with Russia. It knew that the pee pee dossier was fake even before former FBI boss Robert Mueller launched his two-year, $40-million-plus investigation of the Russiagate hoax. The FBI, the DoJ and the Internal Revenue Service have been investigating the Biden family's Byzantine financial affairs since 2018, yet "50 intelligence analysts" told the press in October 2020 it was all just Russian disinformation

Big tech censored any mention of Hunter Biden's laptop and evidence of $100 millions in cash from Russia and China. Up to a quarter of Democratic voters say they would have voted differently if they'd known.  And then there's the 2020 election, in which Mark Zuckerberg and spouse Priscilla Chan gave $400 million to install Dominion Voting Systems machines in swing states, with strings attached. This was politically-motivated funding that probably violated campaign finance rules.

Big Tech is above the law

This is not a surprise if you understand that the FBI is not a law enforcement agency. It is the U.S. political police and was set up as such by J Edgar Hoover who very much admired the Gestapo. The FBI's forebears were the Pinkertons, employed by the robber barons to rid their factories of trades unionists and Wobblies. The FBI has always been the muscle for big business, just as the Wall Street bankers and lawyers had their own boot boys, the OSS/CIA, to advance their commercial interests abroad.

State Security is run very much for private gain. One one level this is justified by the notion that "the chief business of the American people is business" (President Calvin Coolidge, 1925).  The public gets to pay the bill but the three-letter agencies serve private vested interests that are very much for profit  -- just not your profit, Mr Joe Public. Greenwald points out how this is even more relevant today. 

The big tech titans are powerful precisely because surveillance capitalism has placed them in bed with State Security. Fully two-thirds of State Security is privatized and much of it is run by those same tech titans who run your social media account and deliver brown-box packages to your door. 

By combining their forces, the state and big tech corporations can extract ever more data from the population. It profits the corporations to know each customer down to the minutest detail and the state will pay handsomely for the same information. 

A virtuous circle from their perspective, the more intrusive the surveillance, the more they can say they are serving your needs and the less freedom of maneuver you have. Consider the Five Freedoms in the Bill of Rights: speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government. The big tech proposition is 'trust us and you won't need them'. Or as the World Economic Forum puts it: 

"Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better."

Allow big tech to meet your material and entertainment requirements and you won't have the time or the desire to worry about anything else. Bolt on transhumanism, hook up your brain to the computer and your freedom of speech becomes less important than exploring your inner mind.

Your body becomes a living experiment. Into what? Listen to Elon Musk and the transhumanists: they say if you're under 50, you'll live forever. The Covid injectables are a live experiment to use mRNA to manipulate DNA. This fits seamlessly into transhumanist thinking and published research.

Google your Five Freedoms and the results will highlight not those of humans but of animals. Don't be surprised. The Animal Welfare Act has regulated research since 1966. There is no comparable act for humans. Private research on humans is largely unregulated. So long as it is not receiving federal funding, big tech is free to use mobile and electronic devices to research health and cybernetics free of any controls.

Money, power and dreams of eternal life are all bound together in the transhumanist research sponsored by the big tech titans. This requires mass research upon a live population. The concepts discussed by The Reality Club, which promotes "The Third Culture" through its site Edge.org cannot advance without using the population as a mass data set.

With that much at stake they will brook no opposition. Fortunately for them, the corporations, bankers and lawyers long ago founded the intelligence agencies as the muscle to profit from control. The money of privately-controlled, tax-exempt foundations has bought influence and loyalty in academia, the media, big pharma, the judiciary and the two remaining arms of government bureaucracy. Big tech just takes it a step further. As Greenwald writes:

"They view those who oppose them and reject their pieties not as adversaries to be engaged but as enemies, domestic terrorists, bigots, extremists and violence-inciters to be fired, censored, and silenced."

This sounds like a witch hunt and big tech is leading it, exerting ever greater control over the diminished independence of the population. Working hand in glove with corporate media, and the intelligence community and Wall Street this forms a consortium with the power to dupe and gaslight the population for its own profit and power.

"All of these authoritarian powers will, ironically, be invoked and justified in the name of stopping authoritarianism — not from those who wield power but from the movement that was just removed from power. Those who spent four years shrieking to great profit about the dangers of lurking “fascism” will — without ealizing the irony — now use this merger of state and corporate power to consolidate their own authority, control the contours of permissible debate, and silence those who challenge them even further."

Wise and Foolish Builders

It remains to be seen how firm footed are these men (for they are almost entirely men) who would reshape the world and its creatures, great and small. Like all humans it seems that these transhumanists have in them a God-shaped hole. Before we get to that, let's leave aside their dreams and sketch out the practical ways in which their research is already being deployed.

In small corner of this huge field of research. In transhumanist thinking, the Five Freedoms are history. Even Maslow's hierarchy of needs (physiological, safety, belonging, esteem and self-actualization) are replaced because in this Great Reset your needs will be influenced from outside.

According to Psi-theory, developed by Dietrich Dörner at the University of Bamberg, needs have no inherent existence or definition. They are formed by manipulating the cognitive processes, emotions and motivation. This is the field of influence activities, whose current poster child is the UK's Behavioral Insights Team (BIT) which sets government policy be defining outcomes and then manipulating the population in order to obtain them.

The BIT and SAG/SPI-B are using Dörner’s five basic needs as central to the project surrounding Event Covid. These are existence preservation, species preservation, group affiliation and social interaction, certainty and predictability, competence to solve problems.

Gates & Epstein's Mad Scientists

You can see the influence activities target precisely these five perceived concerns. By working with Google, Facebook and Twitter psychologists can measure how people respond in real time. This is the programming of Artificial intelligence using humans as a live data set via the Internet.

Coincidentally (not) it was scientists in these specific fields of research that Jeffrey Epstein and his friend Bill Gates courted. They worked together, I’m sure. First of all, Gates was much richer than Epstein so why would he rely on a minnow to allocate funding in fields so close to Gates’ own heart. Secondly, now Epstein is offed, Gates has a direct line of control.

Forbes magazine has deleted the following article for “not meeting standards”. However it was published in 2013 and has been on the web for seven years, it’s strange they’ve only just decided it’s worth deleting.

Science Funder Jeffrey Epstein Launches Radical Emotional Software For The Gaming Industry, by Drew Hendricks, Oct 2013. Here it is on the Wayback Machine.


Among Epstein’s key scientists are the leaders in what’s called transhumanism, blending people with machines, chasing dreams like eternal life, transplanting human brains into computers and vice versa and ultimately taking out religion and replacing it with science.

The top Gates-Epstein scientists include, according to NBC News, in July 2019:

Dr. George Church – renowned geneticist who holds professorships at Harvard, Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Key researcher into connectome, a comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain, and may be thought of as its “wiring diagram”.

Joi Ito – Japanese entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He is a former director of the MIT Media Lab

Reid Hoffman – founder of LinkedIn but also a funder of fact-checkers and combating fake news… interestingly LinkedIn could also be used to provide a legend and background to a sock puppet (hat tip Polly).

Martin Nowak – Professor of Mathematics and of Biology at Harvard University and Director of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics.

Getting Inside Their Soul

To comprehend where this is going we shall have to get inside how they think. We'll have to give up a little of ourselves in 2021. We cannot use only our own way of thinking. In Satanic Transhumanism: The Future of Reason? Peter Clarke writes: 

"In modern times, several prominent transhumanists have explicitly linked occult practices to their transhumanist goals. For example, Jack Parson, founder of America’s rocket program, was deeply involved in the occult religion Thelema. Parsons had a distinct vision for bringing about the next step in evolution for humanity. He described his vision in occultish terms, but his goals directly aligned with transhumanism."

And Jack Parsons links through his partners L Ron Hubbard and Frank Malina to the wife of Malina’s son, Roger, who is Christine Maxwell, sister of Ghislaine, daughters of once the biggest scientific publisher, Robert Maxwell, and thus to the funder and blackmailer of scientists, Jeffrey Epstein, associate of Bill Gates.

Shall we in 2021 sit back and say, ‘Oh, that’s just a coincidence,’ and ignore it. Or will we say, ‘That’s too much of a coincidence,’ wake up and try to understand what’s going down?

The architects of big tech have allied themselves to some ideas that to themselves give meaning to their activities but which to outsiders look mean and scary. Are they building their empires on rock, or like the foolish man on sand. We don't yet know and neither do they. In many ways their motives are mundane but the consequences are grotesque.

The most controversial aspect of Event Covid has been that science has played third fiddle to profit and the politics of medicine. To understand the delicate interplay of these vested interests, we must go back to the dystopian author, seer and active participant in MK-Ultra, Aldous Huxley: 

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”

Aldous Huxley in 1947 (public domain).
